峨眉山(Mout Emei)是中国著名的四大佛教名山之一,壮丽而优雅。高鸷的山峰因绿色林区点缀而美丽。峨眉山不仅美丽,而且高大,爬上山是件很困难的事,尤其是对身体不好的人来说。不过,峨眉山配有缆车(cable car),可以带你到山顶。在山顶的云雾缭绕中观看日出是非常美妙的经历。峨眉山也因其丰富的动植物资源而出名。在峨眉山,你可以见到许多珍稀濒危动植物物种。
Mout Emei is one of the four most famous BuddhistMountains in China, boasting magnificence andclegance. The lofty peaks are beautifully decoratedwith green wooded areas. Besides its beauty, it is sohuge that climbing is difficult, especially for theweak. However, the mountain is equipped with cable cars to carry you to the top of themountain. Seeing sunrise over the clouds on the top of the mountain is a wonderful experience.Mout Emei is also famous for its abundant animal and plant resources. Many rare andendangered animal and plant species can be seen there.